Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ciao Ciao!!

Sylvan and I just finished our last trip together with the Italians, which was of course a whole new experience for both of us as there were 7 kids (4 months, 2, 4, 11,12,14 and 15) and very limited english with a bit of rain sprinkled in between. In the end, we managed to work through it all, and actually had a great time! Sylvan is off to visit family in Nelson this weekend with the GF and I will be soaking in some much needed R&R at the lodge, maybe learn a few more tunes on the guit or piano.
Cheers to all and don't forget....
"I'd rather be upside-down in my kayak that right side up at a desk" ;)
Ciao for now!

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