Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry christmas everyone!

If anyone has a pic of Tim and I in our kyaks I would be very greatful - christmas present!
Hope all are well and enjoying life to the max.
Our best to you all, jane and tim

Monday, August 27, 2007

Thanks for the pictures!

Hi Everyone!
Thanks for all the pictures! It's great to have some place I can send friends who want to see pictures of the great trip I keep talking about. I've been busy exploring new areas close to home since I returned - from finding an actual beach on the waterfront in downtown Seattle to collecting blueberries in a marshy lakeside area to watching the sunset over the Olympic Mountains. I hope you all have been able to maintain some of that vacation joy while returning to regular life.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

OK everyone, bored of our pics? get some others up here!
Hope all is well with you all.

yes, and more pics

more pics from Tim and jane

Thursday, August 23, 2007

more pics from Tim and Jane

Ciao Ciao!!

Sylvan and I just finished our last trip together with the Italians, which was of course a whole new experience for both of us as there were 7 kids (4 months, 2, 4, 11,12,14 and 15) and very limited english with a bit of rain sprinkled in between. In the end, we managed to work through it all, and actually had a great time! Sylvan is off to visit family in Nelson this weekend with the GF and I will be soaking in some much needed R&R at the lodge, maybe learn a few more tunes on the guit or piano.
Cheers to all and don't forget....
"I'd rather be upside-down in my kayak that right side up at a desk" ;)
Ciao for now!

Monday, August 20, 2007

hey everyone, how cool is this!

Hope everyone is home (or where your heart rests) safe and sound - M & K may not be back yet. Enjoy, put the pics on, and keep in touch!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I now have everyone's contact and am going to work on getting everyone online. Until then here are a few new images from Jane! Enjoy, and don't forget to click to enlarge.

Here is The Best Team Ever!

Monday, August 13, 2007

We're Up and Running!

Okay so 'The Best Team Ever Blog' is live! Very shortly I will work on setting up invites for each member of The Best Team Ever, which will allow everyone to post and share on this blog. I will make up instructions to make sure this process is very easy for everyone! Until then here are a few images from the Jane! Click to enlarge the image!

-Calvin Tamás (Admin)